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Goji berries are also known as Wolfberries. Some people even mis-spell it as "gogi berries". It is a sweet-taste, dark-red coloured dried fruit, and mainly comes from north-western area of China. It has been grown and consumed in China for a few thousand years. Many published studies discussed medicinal benefits of goji berries, including its antioxidant properties, its potential roles against cardiovascular, inflammatory, and vision-related diseases, its neuro-protective properties, its roles as anticancer and immunomodulatory agent. Research have found that goji contains many nutrients including 11 essential elements, 22 trace dietary minerals, 18 amino acids, 6 essential vitamins, 8 polysaccharides, and 6 monosaccharidesm.
The roasted cacao nibs are made from the process whereby the cacao seeds are roasted in large, rotating ovens, at temperatures of about 210-290F. Roasting lasts from half an hour up to two hours. The heat brings out more flavor and aroma, and it dries and darkens the seeds. Then the seeds are cracked and winnowed, that is, their outer shells are cracked and blown away, leaving the crushed and broken pieces of cacao seeds - "cacao nibs". At this point, we have something edible and really chocolatey. Cacao nibs contains Magnesium, Sulphur, and Anti-oxidant, Monoamine Oxidase Enzyme Inhibitors, Phenylethylamine, and Anandamide. These substances can help us having healthy heart, relieving us from stressful mood, and much more. So recent years cacao nibs are becoming a popular healthy food.
Maca root can be used as vegetable or medicinal herb. Biologically maca root is rich in sugar and protein. It contains 60% carbohydrates, 10% protein, 8.5% dietary fiber, and 2.2% fats. Additionally it has uridine, malic acid, benzoyl derivative, and glucosinolates etc. Dried maca powder is rich in alkaloidal, minerals, and nutrients such as essential minerals (selenium, calcium, magnesium, and iron), fatty acids including linolenic acid, palmitic acid, and oleic acids, and 19 amino acids, as well as polysaccharides.
Spirulina is rich in proteins, vitamins and minerals. It contains Lysine, Cysteine, Methionine, Phenylalanine and Threonine, whic are important amino acids that can only be acquired by human beings through food. Spirulina is also a very rich source of Vitamin B-12. It has much higher iron content than Spinach. It contains much higher amounts of Beta-Carotene than carrots.
Wheatgrass also contains 20 amino acids, several hundred different enzymes not found in other foods, as many as 90 out of 102 possible minerals, vitamins and other important nutrients. It is a great supplement for people on diet, for sports people, and for people who want to maintain a healthy immune system. It should mention that nowadays many people like to buy wheatgrass powderto make juice by themselves.
On the other hand any people like to buy flaxseed or flaxseed oil. Flaxseed oil is a great source for Omega 3. Omega 3 has super polyunsaturated Essential Fatty Acid, which has many benefits in our daily lives. It is known as an Essential Fatty Acid because these oils are vital for normal body functions such as renewal of cells balancing hormones, repairing muscles and tissue as well as many other essential processes in the body. Omega 3 is referred to as essential as it must be ingested in food directly as the body cannot synthesise it from other foods not containing Omega 3. If our bodies are short of Omega 3 and EFA, we could have dry flaky skin, weight increase, poor concentration or attention deficiency, lack of energy, continually getting colds or infections, Arthritic type pain, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, increase in allergies. Flax oil can be added to low fat yoghurt or taken with you favourite fruit juice.
Chlorella is a single-cell green algae which is part of Chlorophyta family. It is spherical in shape, about 2 to 10 ?m in diameter. Chlorella contains a fibrous and indigestible outer shell and inner nutrients. The dried Chlorella contains about 45% protein, 20% fat, 20% carbohydrate, 5% fiber, and 10% minerals and vitamins. Therefore many people believe it is an attractive food source because it is high in protein and other essential nutrients. More importantly many of its health benefits have been discovered by researchers around the world.
A migraine headache is a very bad, throbbing or pulsating headache that tends to recur. It is often associated with nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to light, sound, and smells. Hands and feet may feel cold and sweaty and unusual odors may be intolerable. Migraines may disrupt your sleep and can cause depression. Moving around can make the headache feel worse. Attacks tend to become less severe as the migraine sufferer ages.
Migraines afflict about 24 million people in the United States. They may occur at any age, but usually begin between the ages of 10 and 40 and diminish after age 50. Some people experience several migraines a month, while others have only a few migraines throughout their lifetime. Approximately 75% of migraine sufferers are women.
Migraine pain is often intensified by routine physical activity, coughing, straining, or lowering the head. The headache is often so severe that it interferes with daily activity and may awaken the person. The attack is debilitating, and migraine sufferers are often left feeling tired and weak once the headache has passed.
Types of migraines:
There are many forms of migraine headaches. Migraines are classified according to the symptoms they produce. The two most common types are migraine with aura and migraine without aura. We will only reference these two types of migraines in this article.
The aura is the occurrence of neurological symptoms 10-30 minutes before the classic migraine attack. You may see flashing lights, zigzag lines, wavy images, or hallucinations. Some migraine sufferers experience temporary loss of vision. Other symptoms of classic migraine include speech difficulty, confusion, weakness of an arm or leg and tingling of face or hands.
Non-visual auras include motor weakness, speech or language abnormalities, dizziness, vertigo, and tingling or numbness (parasthesia) of the face, tongue, or extremities.
Migraine with aura:
The pain of a classic migraine headache (migraine with aura) is described as an intense throbbing or pounding felt in the forehead/temple, ear/jaw or around the eyes. The pain typically begins in a specific area on one side of the head, then spreads and builds in intensity over 1 to 2 hours and then gradually subsides. An attack usually lasts no more than 24 hours but, in some cases, may last two or more days.
Migraine without aura:
Migraine without aura is the most common type and may occur on one or both sides (bilateral) of the head. Fatigue, mood changes, mental fuzziness and fluid retention may be experienced the day before the headache. With this type of migraine headache usually come abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light (photophobia).
Both types of migraines can strike as often as several times a week or rarely as once every few years. People who have migraines on rare occasions may confuse them with symptoms of the flu. If you have regular weekly or monthly migraines, you definitely know you have a migraine.
What Causes Migraine?
The cause of migraine is still widely unknown. Some doctors think migraines may be caused by a chemical or electrical problem in certain parts of the brain. A key element of a migraine headache is blood flow change in the brain. According to this theory, the nervous system responds to a trigger such as stress, (see more on triggers below), by creating spasms in the nerve-rich arteries at the base of the brain. The spasms constrict several arteries supplying blood to the brain, including arteries from the scalp and neck.
As these arteries constrict, the flow of blood to the brain is reduced. At the same time, platelets clump together and release a chemical called serotonin. Serotonin acts as a powerful constrictor of arteries further reducing blood and oxygen supply to the brain. In reaction to the reduced oxygen supply, certain arteries within the brain dilate to meet the brain's energy needs. This dilation spreads, finally affecting neck and scalp arteries. Some doctors believe this dilation causes the pain of migraine.
Another theory is, the headache may result from a series of reactions in the central nervous system caused by changes in the body or in the environment. There is often a family history of the disorder, suggesting that migraine sufferers may inherit sensitivity to triggers that produce inflammation in the blood vessels and nerves around the brain, causing pain.
A trigger is any stimulus that initiates a process or reaction. Some things are known to trigger a migraine or make it worse. If you are a migraine sufferer, you probably already know what stimulus triggers your migraines.
Common migraine triggers are:
There are two main categories of headaches, primary and secondary. Primary headaches are not caused by underlying medical conditions while secondary headaches are the end result of some other medical condition such as a brain tumor, infection or trauma.
Primary headaches make up about 90% of all headaches and tension-type headaches are the most common of these. Migraine headaches are also primary and affect as many as 30 or 40 million Americans.
It has been estimated that as many as 75% or more of all headache sufferers have tension headaches. And upwards of 90% of adults in the USA have experienced the pain of a tension headache.
In differentiating tension and migraine headaches the tension-type is usually characterized by a constant dull aching on both sides of the head. Migraine headaches, on the other hand, are typically felt on just one side and are throbbing in nature.
Tension headaches usually begin slowly and worsen over time. They often begin in the middle of the day and are caused by stress. Because of this they are often called stress headaches. They can become chronic in nature, occurring every day in some patients. Many tension-type headache sufferers experience a tight feeling in their head or neck muscles.
Migraine headaches can also become chronic in nature, but are usually experienced once or twice a week at most and not daily. Approximately 75% of patients experiencing migraine headaches are female. Migraine headaches can be disabling and can be accompanied by nausea, vomiting and sensitivity to light. About 20% will experience an aura, a disturbance in vision that can consist of bright blinking colored lights that move across their field of vision.
There are many types of treatment methods available to sufferers of both tension and migraine headaches. The most common approach is to take an over-the-counter pain reliever (no prescription necessary). Non-prescription medicines can include aspirin, acetaminophen (such as Tylenol), ibuprofen (such as Motrin), or a combination of aspirin and acetaminophen. These are the most popular types of non-prescription pain relievers. People with more severe pain may need prescription medicine.
There are also different types of natural treatment methods that dont involve the use of over-the-counter or prescription medicines. These can often relieve headache symptoms. One method is to put an ice pack on the base of the skull. When using an ice pack there should be a barrier between the ice pack and the skin, such as a wetted cloth that has had the water wrung out of it. This can lessen the flow of blood to the head resulting in less pressure in the head. A person can also put their feet in a container of warm water. This has the effect of attracting the blood to the feet instead of the head, again reducing pressure to the head.
Migraine headaches can sometimes be helped by eliminating the triggers. Foods that may trigger migraines include, but are not limited to, cheese, alcohol, MSG (monosodium glutamate), nuts, beans, caffeine, chocolate, onions and others. Eliminating the trigger may eliminate migraines.
Another way to eliminate headaches naturally is to reduce your stress by relaxing. Get plenty of sleep. Lie down in a dark quiet room. Or try a combination of lying down in a dark quiet room while you have a small ice pack positioned at the base of your skull.
This article is a general overview of tension-type and migraine headaches and may not apply to everyone. But sometimes one idea is all it takes to reduce painful tension or migraine headaches.
If you have headaches and are wondering if they could be migraine headaches we can probably help you figure that out. There are some very distinctive characteristics of migraine headaches that can differentiate migraines from other types of headaches such as tension headaches, stress headaches, cluster headaches or other types of headaches.
Migraine headaches are more often than not one-sided, meaning the pain is felt on only one side of the head. Most of the time the pain of a migraine headache can be felt in the temple area or behind one of the eyes or ears. Migraine headaches can become severe and disabling. Nausea is a common symptom of this type of headache as is vomiting or sensitivity to light or sound. About 20% of patients with migraine headaches experience an aura. An aura is a disturbance in vision that can consist of bright blinking colored lights that move across the field of vision.
Migraine headaches can become chronic in nature. When they are chronic the patient most commonly experiences them once or twice a month. However, in some instances migraine headaches can occur as often as once or twice a week. Migraine headaches affect people between the ages of 15 and 55 and are more common in women than in men. Migraines affect women about 3 times as often as men.
Migraines affect about 30 or 40 million Americans, but they are less common than tension headaches. It is estimated that about 75% of all headaches are tension headaches. Tension headaches are typically characterized by a dull pain over the entire head while migraines are usually throbbing in nature and located in one particular spot. In other words, tension-type headaches are a constant dull pain while migraines throb like the beating of the heart.
Chronic tension headaches can occur every day while chronic migraine headaches occur less often, usually once a week to once a month. Fatigue and stress can cause both types of headaches, but migraine headaches can be triggered by other factors such as different types of food. Migraine headaches can sometimes be helped by eliminating these triggers. Foods that may lead to migraines include cheese, alcohol, MSG (monosodium glutamate), nuts, beans, caffeine, chocolate, onions and others. Eliminating the trigger may eliminate the migraines.
Cluster headaches are far less common than either migraine headaches or tension-type-headaches. Men are about six times more likely than women to experience cluster headaches. The pain of a cluster headache starts quickly, without any warning, and typically reaches its peak between two and fifteen minutes.
The pain of a cluster headache can be extremely intense, deep and explosive. Migraines are usually "pulsing" while clusters are not. Between 10 and 20 percent of cluster patients have "ice-pick" or "stabbing" pain around the eyes. This stabbing pain typically lasts for a few seconds, but can occur several times in succession. When this sudden attack of intense pain occurs it usually means that the headache is near its end.
For natural migraine headache relief it is often beneficial to relax and rest. Sometimes lying in a dark room with an ice pack on the base of the skull can reduce the pressure that is felt in the head. The same treatment can also help tension or stress headaches. Reducing stress can go a long way to relieving many headache symptoms.
If you experience chronic headaches and over-the-counter medication or natural remedies do not help it may be wise to consult a physician.
Has it ever occurred to you that while you are happily typing away on your computer for hours on end you are actually creating a problem in your neck that can lead to chronic headaches? If you suffer from migraine headaches or tension headaches it may be something you should investigate.
When a person with migraine headaches or tension headaches visits a chiropractor for their pain what does the chiropractor typically do for that patient? The usual treatment for most headache patients is to manipulate, or adjust, the neck. Chiropractors teach us that most headaches come from neck problems, and that by adjusting or manipulating the neck tension and migraine headaches can be relieved or cured.
Over 80% of headache patients that receive chiropractic treatment show improvement that ranges from slight improvement up to complete elimination of their headache pain. If this is the case then it seems logical that the majority of migraine headaches or tension headaches originate from spinal (neck) problems. It also seems logical that if we knew what was causing these neck problems, and eliminated what was causing them, we could also eliminate the headaches, both migraine and tension.
As a chiropractor for 25 years I have treated many patients with migraine headaches and tension headaches. After examining thousands of patients I discovered that as many as 95% who were experiencing headaches had one thing in common, a reversed cervical (neck) curve. From the side view a normal neck should have a slight curve in it. But in my experience as a chiropractor I estimate that approximately 95% of my patients with headaches had either a lessening of that curve, no curve at all, or a curve that was completely reversed. When these “poor neck curvatures” were treated with chiropractic adjustments most showed great improvement.
Chiropractors know that headaches can be caused by “poor neck posture,” so the next question becomes “can sitting at a computer cause poor neck posture?” If the answer is yes, then it’s obvious that sitting at a computer can and does cause headaches.
People usually develop poor neck curvatures because of poor posture habits. Anything a person does that places their head in a position forward to their body will lessen or reverse their normal neck curve. And poor neck curvatures DO cause headaches. Chiropractors have been teaching this for decades.
The types of activities that can lead to poor neck posture include sitting at a computer for extended periods of time, reading with the head bent forward, sitting while slouching in a chair or on a couch, sleeping with the head or neck in odd positions, or any other activity that places the head in a position forward to the body. So, to answer our original question, yes, headaches can be caused by sitting at a computer. Sitting at a computer can cause an abnormal neck curvature to develop which can cause headaches.
Good posture can surely prevent the development of poor neck posture, which would seem to be the best remedy, but what can be done if the lessening or reversal of the neck curve has already been developed? Obviously, chiropractic treatment is an option that could be considered. But there are many other alternative treatments for tension or migraine headaches.
Most people just take a pain pill. But are pain pills the best approach? They surely are in some cases, but there are many other headache treatment options that don’t require the use of potentially harmful drugs. All drugs have side effects, some of which can end up being worse than the headaches themselves. Before treating your health problems with drugs it is wise to seek the advice of a health professional.
There are many natural remedies for migraine headaches or tension headaches. These include stress and tension reduction, ice therapy (used at the base of the skull), eliminating food triggers, getting the proper amount of rest, biofeedback, headache pillows or cushions, exercise and many others. Some of these may help relieve headaches, both migraine and tension, and could be investigated further.
Tired of taking potentially harmful drugs for your migraine headaches? Wanting to discover a cheap and natural solution to your pain? There are many different migraine headache treatments available today that are both safe and effective.
Natural treatment methods for migraine headaches are usually harmless and also cheaper than traditional pain medications. Sure, it's possible you could experience a negative reaction or even increase your headache pain because of a natural treatment, but the odds are far less than with pain-relieving medications.
People are different from each other. A natural treatment that might relieve one person's migraine headaches may not relieve someone else's. But on the same measure, just because one migraine headache treatment does not work for one person does not mean it won't work for you. There are many effective alternatives to taking medication when it comes to relieving migraine headaches. One of these alternative methods may be just what you have been looking for.
Chiropractic adjustments, or chiropractic manipulations, are a very popular natural treatment method for headache relief. Patients with migraine headaches have been visiting chiropractors for over 100 years, and with very good results. Studies have shown that over 80% of headache patients find relief with chiropractic care. Plus, chiropractic treatment has been shown to be extremely safe. Spinal problems do cause headaches and by correcting these spinal problems many headache sufferers find welcome relief.
Biofeedback is another form of treatment that is safe and can be effective in eliminating pain. Biofeedback is a training program designed to help a person develop the ability to control their autonomic (involuntary) nervous system. Functions that are normally automatic can be controlled voluntarily. This technique makes it possible for a person to control their own heart rate, blood pressure, skin temperature, and of course, the relaxation of their tense muscles.
Stress can cause tension, which can lead to muscle tightness (muscle tension) and cause headaches. By relaxing these tense muscles, especially in the neck, it is possible to relieve the tension causing the migraine headaches. With biofeedback, once the technique is learned there is no longer any need for the biofeedback equipment. The patient with migraine headaches can now produce the desired effect at any. They can control certain bodily functions, such as muscle relaxation, which can help reduce and relieve their migraine headaches.
Most people are unaware that too much salt can cause headaches. And by simply lessening the salt intake headaches can sometimes be prevented.
Food allergies or sensitivities can also cause migraine headaches. Certain foods such as cheese, alcohol, monosodium glutamate (a food additive), nuts, beans, caffeine, chocolate and onions can cause migraines. Foods that cause headaches are called “triggers.” People who experience migraine headaches because of food sensitivities can eliminate their pain by simply eliminating the foods causing the pain.
However, it’s not always easy to discover which foods are the culprits. One way is to keep a food diary. Get a small notebook, with each page representing one day. On each daily page make three columns. The first column will contain the hours in the day. The second column will be a list of the foods eaten that day. And the third column will list the symptoms that you experience.
As an example, if you had eggs and toast for breakfast at 8 AM you would write “eggs and toast” in the food column that corresponds with 8 AM. Make a note of everything that is eaten on this list and at what time they were eaten.
When you eventually experience a migraine headache you write “migraine headache” or “headache” down in the symptoms column at the time it began. For example, if one of your headaches begins at 2 PM you will write “headache” in the symptoms column for 2 PM.
It may take a few weeks or even a few months, but after experiencing a few migraine headaches, with the help of the food diary, you will be able to tell which foods cause headaches. Over time, by figuring out which ingredients in these foods are causing your pain, you will be able to eliminate these ingredients and relieve some pain.
Another very common cause of tension headaches and migraine headaches is just plain stress. People who experience tension can get headaches from their increased tension.
Relieving tension can often relieve migraine headaches. Tension can be relieved in many ways such as with biofeedback training (as explained above), taking a warm bath or shower, lying down and resting in a quiet dark room, putting something cold on the back of the neck (at the base of the skull) or having someone massage your neck muscles and possibly your temporal region to help relieve your tension and muscle spasms. Regular exercise can also, over time, reduce tension.
These are just a few of the many natural treatment methods that are available to migraine headache patients. They are all considered safe and are effective for many people. If you have headaches it may be beneficial to try some of these treatments or search out others on your own. But as always it is a good idea to talk with your doctor before attempting to treat yourself for a health problem.
Most people just take a pain pill, but how safe is that? If you are worried about taking potentially dangerous medications for your migraine headaches maybe you should try one of the many safe and effective natural approaches that are available today.
There are many new migraine headache treatments available that can be both safe and effective. Natural treatments for migraine headaches are usually safer and cheaper than traditional pain medications. And in many instances they can relieve pain just as well or even better than prescription or non-prescription drugs. The possibility of a negative reaction to a safe and natural migraine headache treatment is still there, but it is less with most natural treatment methods than it is with pain-relieving medications.
Every person on the face of the earth is unique. Their body chemistry is different than anyone else's. One person may find relief from their migraine headaches with one type of treatment while someone else may try that same treatment and find no relief at all. No two people will experience the same reaction from the same treatment. But why is that?
Every body is made up of a mixture of chemicals. Every person produces certain chemicals in their body so that they will be able to function at their best. Histamines will increase gastric secretion and dilate the capillaries. Insulin is secreted by the pancreas and helps regulate the blood sugar levels. Hormones are produced by the body for many different functions. Adrenaline (epinephrine) is produced in response to stress. Every body is unique and produces different chemicals in differing amounts. When a person takes aspirin (a chemical) for their migraine headaches it changes the chemical make-up of that person's body.
You've always heard that when two chemicals, in the same amounts, at the same temperature, etc. are mixed together they will cause the same reaction. That may be true, but when one chemical (such as aspirin) is taken by two separate people their reactions will never be exactly the same because no two people have identical chemicals in their body. One person taking aspirin will not have the same reaction as someone else taking aspirin. And it's the same with natural migraine headache treatments. Since no two people are identical no two people will respond exactly the same to a treatment method for migraine headaches.
So just because one migraine headache treatment does not work for one person does not mean it won't work for your migraine headaches. There are many effective alternatives to taking medications when it comes to relieving migraine headaches. You just have to try one for yourself to see if it will work for you.
One natural and popular treatment method for migraine headaches is chiropractic care, or chiropractic manipulations. Studies have shown that over 80% of headache patients find some type of relief for their headaches with chiropractic treatment. And chiropractic treatment has been shown to be extremely safe. Spinal problems cause headaches and when these spinal problems are treated by chiropractors a high percentage of their patients experience relieve from their pain.
Another natural way to relieve migraine headaches is biofeedback. This is a safe and potentially effective way to eliminate pain. Biofeedback is not actually a treatment, but a training program designed to help a person develop the ability to control their autonomic (involuntary) nervous system. Functions that are normally automatic in the body, such as blood pressure regulation or heart rate can be controlled voluntarily. This technique makes it possible for a person to control their own heart rate, blood pressure, skin temperature or relaxation of their muscles.
It's no secret that stress causes muscle tension. And nobody will deny that muscle tension causes pain and headaches. And it's also a fact that by relaxing this muscle tension, especially in the neck and head, it is possible to relieve the migraine headaches or neck pain that is being caused by the tension. With biofeedback the machinery is not always necessary. Once the biofeedback technique is learned there is no longer any need for the equipment. The patient with migraine headaches can now produce the desired effect at any time. A person that has been trained with biofeedback can control some of their bodily functions, such as muscle relaxation, which can help relieve their headache pain.
Another cause of headaches can be the intake of too much salt. Some people just can't get enough of it. They pour it onto their food with wreckless abandon. And too much salt can and does cause headaches. What's the solution? Simply lessening the salt intake can sometimes prevent the headaches from occurring.
Food sensitivities have also been shown to cause migraine headaches in some people. Foods such as cheese, alcohol, MSG (monosodium glutamate - a food additive), yeast, wheat, nuts, avocados, beans, bananas, oranges (and other citrus fruits), pork, vinegar (and pickled foods), dairy products, caffeine, chocolate, onions and others can cause migraines. Foods that cause migraine headaches are called "migraine triggers." People who experience migraine headaches because of food allergies can reduce or eliminate their pain by eliminating the foods that cause the headaches.
It sounds simple, but it takes a little detective work to figure out which foods, if any, are causing the migraine headaches. So how can you determine which foods are the culprits? The logical way is to keep a diary of what you eat and when. Get a small notebook, with each page representing one day, and make three columns on each of the pages. The first column on the left side of the page will contain the hours in the day. The second column down the middle of the page will be a list of the foods eaten that day. And the third column on the right side of the page will list the symptoms (headaches) that you experience.
Here's how the food diary works: if you had an orange, cereal and milk for breakfast at 8 AM you would write "orange, cereal, milk" in the middle (food) column directly to the right of 8 AM in the left (time) column. Make a note of everything that you eat on this list and at what time you ate them.
Next, whenever you experience a migraine headache write "migraine headache" or "headache" in the right (symptoms) column that corresponds with the time (in the left column) your headache began. For example, if you started feeling pain from one of your migraine headaches at 2 PM you would write "headache" in the right (symptoms) column directly across from 2 PM in the left (time) column.
Once you've had enough time to experience a few migraine headaches you will be able to examine your food diary to determine which foods you ate shortly before you began experiencing your pain. For example, if you had 3 migraine headaches over a one-month period, and you had milk shortly before each of the migraine attacks, milk may be the culprit. It may take a few weeks or even a few months to come to any conclusions, but over time, by figuring out which foods or ingredients in these foods, are causing your pain, you will be able to eliminate these ingredients and relieve your pain caused by these foods.
Probably the most common cause of headaches is just plain old stress. People who experience tension in their lives can get headaches from their increased tension. Stress can be caused by many things including work-related stress or family-related stress. And although it's not always possible to eliminate the cause of the stress it is often possible to relieve the muscle tension and pain that originates from the stress.
Biofeedback training (as explained above) is one way to help reduce stress. Other ways are taking a warm bath or shower, lying down and relaxing in a quiet dark room, having someone massage your neck and head (temporal region) muscles to help relieve your tension and muscle spasms or placing something cold (ice) on the back of the neck (at the base of the skull). When using ice it should not be placed directly on the skin. Some wet paper towels that have had the water wrung out of them should be placed between the ice and the skin. Regular exercise can also, over time, reduce tension.
We have discussed 5 natural treatment methods that are available to migraine headache patients. They are all considered safe and are effective for many people. There are many other natural treatment methods out there for you to try. If you have headaches it may be beneficial for you to try some of these treatments or search for others on your own. But as a word of advice, it is always a good idea to talk with a chiropractor or medical doctor before treating yourself for a health condition.
A migraine is a throbbing or pulsating headache that is often one sided (unilateral) and associated with nausea; vomiting; sensitivity to light, sound, smells; sleep disruption, and depression. Attacks are often recurrent and tend to become less severe as the migraine sufferer ages.
Migraines are classified according to the symptoms they produce. The two most common types are migraine with aura and migraine without aura. Less common types include the following: Basilar artery migraine, Carotidynia, Headache-free migraine, Ophthalmoplegic migraine, Status migraine.
Some women experience migraine headaches just prior to or during menstruation. These headaches, which are called menstrual migraines, may be related to hormonal changes and often do not occur during pregnancy. Other women develop migraines for the first time during pregnancy or after menopause.
Incidence and Prevalence
Migraines afflict about 24 million people in the United States. They may occur at any age, but usually begin between the ages of 10 and 40 and diminish after age 50. Some people experience several migraines a month, while others have only a few migraines throughout their lifetime. Approximately 75% of migraine sufferers are women.
The cause of migraine is unknown. The condition may result from a series of reactions in the central nervous system caused by changes in the body or in the environment. There is often a family history of the disorder, suggesting that migraine sufferers may inherit sensitivity to triggers that produce inflammation in the blood vessels and nerves around the brain, causing pain.
Signs and Symptoms
Migraine pain is often described as throbbing or pulsating pain that is intensified by routine physical activity, coughing, straining, or lowering the head. The headache is often so severe that it interferes with daily activity and may awaken the person. The attack is debilitating, and migraine sufferers are often left feeling tired and weak once the headache has passed.
A migraine typically begins in a specific area on one side of the head, then spreads and builds in intensity over 1 to 2 hours and then gradually subsides. It can last up to 24 hours, and in some cases, several days.
Tips To Help Relieve The Pain
Tension Headaches
About 90% of all headaches are classified as muscle contraction, more commonly known as 'tension headaches'. These are the headaches most of us blame on work, bills and arguments.
The pain is typically all over the head. You may feel a dull ache or sense of tightness, and it mostly feels like a tight steel band is wrapped around your head. Not everyone under stress gets headaches, but millions of people get them time and time again. For them headaches are a cronic problem.
Migraines have an even uglier reputation than tension headaches. Migraines are part of the vascular headache family and most often strike women. About 70% of migraine sufferes are female.Migraines can be crippling, so much so that migraine sufferers lose millions of workdays each year.
Usually migraines bring severe, throbbing pain to either one side, or both sides of the head. This is often accompanied by nausea, vomiting and dizziness. It can even cause blurred vision, and numbness in the limbs.
Trying To Prevent Them
I myself have suffered for years with tension headaches, so now I try to head them off before they start. Here's a few tips:
Medication - Take It Now
As soon as I feel a tension headache coming on, I take a small dose of medication. It's no use using just a pain killer, you need something that will relax your muscles as well. After all, it's the tight muscles which are causing the pain in the first place, so it makes sense to relax them. If you know what kind of headache you have, your local pharmacy will be able to advise you on the right medication.
Exercise and has helped me a great deal. Exercise helps you to release stress, so regular exercise and stretching will be real of real benefit. If however you've got a severe headache, don't exercise, relaxation is what you need.
Many people sleep a headache off, but too much sleep can actually cause a headache, so don't overdo it. A little nap should be all you need to get rid of a headache.
Peace And Quiet
Excessive noise is a common trigger for tension headaches, so try to find a quiet place where you can sit and relax. Practice some deep breathing exercises at least three or four times a day, you'll feel better for it.
Protect Your Eyes
Bright light can cause a headache. Whether it's from the sun, television, or a computer screen, it lead to eye-strain which can then lead to a headache. So protect your eyes whenever possible, and cut down on screen watching if you can.
Watch Your Caffeine Intake
If you're a heavy coffee or tea drinker, then try to cut down, the general opinion is that caffeine can be a cause of headaches with certain people.
Don't Chew Gum
The repetitive chewing motion can tighten muscles in the head especially around the jaw and bring on a tension headache.
Cut Down The Salt
A high intake of salt can trigger migraines in some people.
Foods To Avoid
Food effects everyone differently. Here's some foods that can cause headaches for some:
Hot dog & mustard - Contains nitrates which dilates blood vessels, this can lead to head pain.
Chocolate - Contains tyramine, a chief suspect in causing headaches.
Nuts & Cheese - These also contain tyramine.
Drinking & Smoking
We all know the problems we get with these two, don't we? If you can't stop either, then cut down. Not only will your health improve, you'll save a lot of lovely cash as well.
Have A Sense Of Humour
We all take life too seriously, and we put ourselves under a lot of unecessary pressure. The stresses of modern life will take it's toll eventually, so lighten up and have some fun before you finish up a wreck!
As a cronic headache sufferer myself, I've finally been able to change my life style and keep my headaches under control. Believe me, I've had my fair share of problems.
Thank you for reading my article, I hope you've found it interesting.
Twenty-Four million people in the United States alone suffer from migraines. A migraine is typically a throbbing or pulsing headache, often focused on one-side of the head, and associated with nausea, sensitivity to light and sound, as well as certain smells. Attacks are typically recurring, and can be less severe as the migraine sufferer ages.
Migraines can occur at any age, but typically begin between the ages of 10 and 40. While some people experience several migraines a month, a select few only have a few migraines throughout their lifetime. Nearly 75% of migraine sufferers are women. Though migraines can happen at any time, some women experience migraines just prior to or during mentruation. These migraines, called menstrual migraines, are related to hormonal changes and often do not occur during pregnancy. Meanwhile, some women only develop migraines for the first time during pregnancy, or even after menopause.
The actual cause of a migraine is unknown. It is believed, however, that the condition results from a series of reactions in the central nervous system, usually caused by changes in the body or in the environment. Migraines often appear to be inherited, as there is often a family history of the condition. These migraine sufferers may inherit the sensitivity to triggers that produce inflammation in blood vessels and nerves around the brain, which cause pain.
The signs and symptoms of migraine pain are often intense and severe, described by throbbing or pulsating pain that only gets intensified by routine physical activity, coughing, straining, or even moving the head. These headaches can often gets so severe that they interfere with the day-to-day activity of a person. Sleeping migraine sufferers can be awakened by the attack, which can also cause a numbing sensation in hands and lips, as well as interfere with eyesight and vision for the duration of the attack. Migraines can be so debilitating - causing sufferers to feel tired and weak even long after the migraine has passed.
Migraines typically begin in a specific area, usually on one side of the head, and can spread and build in intensity over a course of a few hours, then gradually subside. They can last an entire day, or in some extremely severe cases, several days.
The problem with migraine symptoms is that they are as varied as the individual sufferer. The strange sensations, such as tingling or the feeling of numbness, are known as auras, and can start anywhere from ten to thirty minutes before the migraine pain actually sets in.
Migraine treatment is possible. Knowing what triggers your migraines and avoiding them is one of the best ways to avoid a migraine. Treating acute attacks as they appear is crucial. Talking to your doctor, who may prescribe regular use of a preventative mediation can also be the way to go. Over the counter treatments for migraines can be helpful, as well as resting or sleeping in a completely dark and quiet place.
Stress leads the list of all psychological triggers for migraine headaches and may be the most common migraine trigger of all. Understanding stress and how it effects your life could help you cope better with migraines.
Think of specific things you can add to or take away from your daily routine to reduce stress and help avoid migraine headache pain. Keep a note of the results and discuss them with your doctor.
Get enough rest. One of the best ways to do this is set regular bedtime and waking up times each day so that your body clock regulates itself. It may take 2 to 3 weeks for your body to adapt to this new routine, so it is important to set times and stick with them. Gradually, as your body begins to get used to these times your stress levels should reduce along with the frequency of migraine headaches.
Find an exercise you enjoy and stick with it. Exercise not only fortifies your body, but helps with "resting" your mind. You tend to forget all your worries when exercising. Try mild aerobic exercise such as brisk walking, for 20 to 30 minutes, 3 to 4 times a week.
Eat sensibly and have regular meals. Eat foods that are migraine trigger-free for you. Cut down on processed and overly sugary items. To avoid temptation, don't have them in the house. Keep in mind that processed and sugary foods are not good for your body and can actually increase stress levels. Headaches can be caused by ordinary foods that most of us eat every day. But cutting out common food triggers from your diet does not mean that you have to sacrifice tasty meals.
When it comes to migraines, decaffeinated coffee, fruit juice and sparkling water are better choices for beverages than caffeinated or alcoholic drinks. If you choose to have an alcoholic drink, stick with single measures and alternate an alcoholic drink with water.
Dairy products can also be common triggers for migraines. Try reducing or cutting out dairy items from your diet for a month to see if this makes a difference to your migraines.
Meats such as corned beef, hot dogs and pickled herring are "cured meats," and contain an ingredient called sodium nitrate, which can trigger a headache. Instead, consider poultry or freshly purchased and prepared meats.
Identify areas of stress in your life and begin working to improve them. Share your problems, concerns, and thoughts with others. Don't keep them to yourself. Sharing a problem can provide almost instant relief and you may find that others have constructive suggestions for solving issues. Also, have the courage to say "no" to people who place unwanted demands on your time.
Learn how to relax. If you sit down to rest, do not immediately pick up the phone, read a magazine or turn on the TV. Try out relaxation tapes to help you unwind and relax. You'll find them at most music or bookstores. You can also search the Internet for tapes specifically designed to help prevent migraine headaches.
If you are suffering with Migraines, you should first consult your primary care physician before taking other steps.
What causes tension headaches is not known, however the common assumption is that they are caused by muscle tension in the head and neck. Although muscle tension may be a related cause, there are many forms of tension headaches and recent thinking is that there is more than one cause for this type of headache.
One theory is a malfunctioning pain filter that is found in the brain stem may cause the pain. The thought is that the brain misinterprets information, from muscles, and interprets that signal as pain.
Serotonin is thought to be one of main molecules involved. This is evidenced by the fact that tension headaches can be successfully treated with some antidepressants. Teeth clenching is another theory as a cause for tension type headaches and migraine as it causes chronic contraction of the temporalis muscle.
Nonprescription painkillers such as aspirin, acetaminophen or ibuprofen commonly relieve tension headaches. When severe muscle contraction occurs, stronger prescription drugs may be needed. However, there are side effects associated with these stronger drugs, namely drowsiness and slower reflexes. Therefore, most physicians will only recommend using strong medications for short periods of time and usually not for more than a few days.
Stress management can be very effective. Some people find exercises or meditation to be very relaxing. Biofeedback may improve relaxation exercises and can prove helpful for chronic tension headaches.
Other preventive measures you can try include keeping warm if your headache is associated with the cold. Try using a different pillow or changing your sleeping position. Adopt correct posture when reading, working or doing other activities that may cause headache. Exercise your neck and shoulder muscles when doing prolonged typing, computer work and when doing any close-up work. Getting enough sleep and massaging sore muscles can help reduce a headache occurring. Hot or cold showers or baths may relieve headaches too, so it's worth experimenting to see if either help you.
Over-the-counter medication such as aspirin, ibruprofen, or acetominophen may relieve pain if the above-mentioned preemptive measures are ineffective. Sometimes antidepressant medication may be advised for the relief of chronic headaches.
Keeping a diary of your headaches can help identify the source of chronic headaches. When you suffer with a headache write down the date and time the headache began. Also write down what you ate and how much sleep you got over the previous 24 hours. If you noticed any unusual symptoms or felt under stress, make a note of it too. Also, keep a record of how long the headache lasted and what made it stop. Having a headache diary available can act as a tracking device and you may find patterns that you should do more to avoid.
Some lifestyle changes may be necessary to reduce tension headaches. This may include getting enough rest and exercise and possibly a change in job or free time activities.
If you are suffering with headaches or migraines, you should first consult your primary care physician before taking other steps.
When it comes to choosing the all-time champion of migraine triggers, it all boils down to two contenders and all the others are mere pretenders. Much research has been done into the various triggers of migraine and basically the verdicts have come down squarely into two camps. Many researchers have decided that food and food additives are the main culprit behind triggering migraines. On the other hand, many researchers are adamant that the primary trigger for migraines is stress.
The wisdom concerning eliminating the stress in our lives is hardly relegated to migraine relief. Stress seems to be blamed for just about every ailment experienced in the modern world. The simple, inescapable fact of life is that stress is now and is probably always going to be a daily part of our lives that can never be eliminated. Even the mere reduction of stress levels is difficult. The management of all aspects of life from family to career to raising children to school all offer some kind of stress.
The Most Common Stresses That Trigger Migraines.
Multiple-Role Stress: Females especially must contend with multiple-role stress, the juggling of many responsibilities such as wife, worker and mother.
Workplace Stress: There is no such thing as a stressless job. It doesn't matter whether you're the CEO of a multinational conglomerate or the checkout person at the supermarket, you will be stressed out by your job.
Financial Stress: Not being able to meet bills, not making as much as you want, not making as much as your neighbour; these are all stresses connected with finances. The number one cause of divorce is money issues so it should come as no surprise that worry over finances can trigger migraines.
Caregiver Stress: Women are likely to suffer this stress the most, though more and more men are choosing to become stay at home dads. There are untold riches in being a parent, but it can also be quite taxing and stressful.
All of these stressors individually trigger migraines, but most often it's the combination of all of them working together that cause that explosion inside your head.
The Impact of Mood on Headaches.
Personality: A migraine is a disease, not a psychological disorder, and contrary to popular belief the majority of headache patients do not suffer any serious psychological problems. Research from hundreds of studies that have examined the personalities and behaviors of migraine sufferers have delivered no evidence whatever that concludes there is any particular personality type prone to suffering migraines.
Depression: Depression can reduce the body's ability to respond effectively to medication. If your migraine medicine isn't doing the trick, it may be because you suffer from depression. Women in particular are at risk for depression, though the effect is the same on both genders. Depression also occurs more often in migraine patients than in those who don't suffer migraines. Even mild depression can diminish the efficacy of both medical treatment and behavioural treatments such as biofeedback and relaxation methods. Because of the possibility that treatment for migraines could be diminished, therefore, it is highly recommended that you discuss this issue with your doctor who may be better able to select treatments that can effectively relieve symptoms of both headache and depression.
Anxiety: Anxiety is basically a state of nervousness or tension that occurs without any particular reason. Much like depression anxiety can work to lower one's ability to handle stress. Anxiety can also raise the level of pain or lower your tolerance for pain during a headache, which can seriously impair the effectiveness of any medication used to treat headache pain. For some sufferers, it is necessary to treat both the anxiety and the headaches in order to get both under control.
If depression or anxiety are present in a patient with migraine, both disorders need to be treated. It is generally not true that treating the depression will make the headaches go away, or that headache improvement will lead to an improvement in mood. Specific treatment for both migraine and depression exists and will produce the best outcome.
How long have migraines been around? Contrary to the beliefs of many, migraines are not a new disease, only a newly-named. In fact, based on the symptoms, it appears that migraines are among the oldest diseases known to mankind.
Conditions that have been linked to migraines were described in detail in Babylonian writings dating back to 3000 BC, and papyrus scrolls dated from around 1550 BC that were found buried alongside a mummy in Thebes contain even more detailed accounts that are remarkably similar to what modern migraine sufferers describe. Even the Father of Medicine himself, Hippocrates, described what are clearly migraines in 460 BC, when he described a shining light that was typically seen in one eye and followed by severe pain that started in temples and worked its way to encompass the rest of the head and down into the neck. Hippocrates was also well ahead of his time by being the first to correlate head pain with exercise and seven sexual intercourse. Of course, Hippocrates also attributed migraines to vapors making their way up to the head from stomach and thought that the headache pain could be relieved by throwing up.
The Ebers Papyrus, named after George Ebers who obtained it, dates back to at least 1200 BC is an encyclopedic compilation of various prescriptions and medical treatments, including one for shooting pains in the head consistent with modern day migraine headaches. According to the instructions on the papyrus, Egyptians were to use a strip of linen to tie a clay crocodile holding grain in its mouth to the head of the patient. On the linen were written the names of those gods that the Egyptians believed could cure their ailments. As in so many things, the Egyptians may have been preternaturally aware of modern techniques because it is believed that this procedure could possibly have brought relief to the headache sufferer by compressing the scalp and collapsing the blood vessels that were causing the pain. At the very least it made more sense than the previous Egyptian cure for head pain, which was to simply rub a fried fish on afflicted side of the head.
Plato is considered one of the all-time great thinkers the world has ever produced, up there in the pantheon of great philosophers. And yet he seems to have been so wrong about so many things, including migraines. As far as Plato was concerned, head pain was caused by people paying too much attention to the body. In fact, Plato seems to be in that camp that thinks migraine sufferers are a bunch of whiners and that it's all in their heads, but not in their expanding and constricting blood vessels. It may be time to start second-guessing this whole idea of Plato being really, really smart.
Hua T'o was a Chinese surgeon in the second century who is given credit for the invention of anaesthetic drugs among other things. He was also perhaps the first to take to acupuncture needles to cure migraines. In one particularly infamous and, hopefully, quite rare case, when Hua used a needle to carve a tumor out of patient suffering from pain between his eyes a canary flew out. The man not only lived, but was cured of his pain.
Hildegard of Bingen was a medieval nun and mystic who began experiencing visions at an early age. Her visions eventually led her to write several books on health and medicine and natural remedies. Both her written accounts and the illustrations she drew that reflected her visions have led the belief that those visions may have been the result of migraine auras. Her visions were detailed and vivid, as were her descriptions and she has built a significant following who consider her to be the first migraine-inspired artist. The typical treatment of migraines during Hildegard's time during the Middle Ages basically consisted of opium and vinegar solutions applied to the skull, with the vinegar thought to have been used to open the pores of the scalp so that the opium would be more quickly absorbed.
Centuries, if not millennia, from now people may be reading a history of migraine treatment and shake their head when they reach the 21st century. Could treating with the ingredients found in medication one day be laughed at in the same way as we might laugh at the idea of treating it by rubbing a fried fish on our head?
Common Causes of Headaches.
1. One major cause of headaches is an accumulation of toxins in the body and nervous system.
2. This problem is increased when we have constipation. A large number of headache sufferers have constipation or problems with their kidneys.
3. This problem of auto-toxification is multiplied even further when one is living is a polluted environment, inhaling toxic substances which react negatively on lungs and nervous system.
4. Another major source of headaches is tension in the neck. Neck tension can be result of too much thinking, especially worrying, or poor posture, or the result of some specific type of work such as typing or sewing.
5. Neck tension may also be associated with eyestrain, which may result from a certain type of work which requires much concentration with the eyes, or simply a growing weakness or tension in the eyes.
6. The overall tension in all the body may also contribute to this tension in the neck, eyes, and head. This is especially true of the tension in the spine, which tends to flow up into the neck and head.
7. A lack of sufficient blood flow and thus, nutrients and oxygen in the cells of the brain can easily cause a headache can easily ensue.
8. Unresolved negative emotions and especially anger, worry or anxiety can also create headaches.
9. Insomnia can also create headaches.
10. Hormonal imbalances can often generate headaches, especially during the days preceding and during a woman? s menstrual period.
11. Other factors also contribute to headaches such as certain hereditary tendencies or organic malfunctioning within the individual.
You Can do Much to Get Free from Headaches.
The best cure is prevention. Let us look at some of the ways in which we can free ourselves from the discomfort and burden of headaches.
1. Massage can help to relax the muscles and nerves of the neck, head and eyes so as to increase the flow of blood and relieve the pain. This is only a temporary solution, however, for we have not effected the headache as its cause. We have only momentarily removed the symptom.
2. A proper diet with pure non-toxic foods will help the body to free itself from the accumulation of toxic wastes. Some, who have a high degree of toxicity, may want to go through a detoxification fast under the guidance of a professional naturopath so as to clean out their system. 3. If constipation is also a contributing factor, then one should immediately begin to solve this problem with plenty of liquids, fiber and exercise. One may even want to make a few purges with an enema so as to clear out some of the toxic waste in the intestines, preferably under the guidance of a doctor or professional health counselor.
4. If we are absorbing large amounts of pollution and living a life of general stress, we can protect our bodies from vitamin deficiency by taking vitamins B, C and E. These vitamins should be taken in as natural form as possible, but it is seldom possible to get all one needs through natural foods alone. Some naturopaths recommend doses of 1000 milligrams of vitamin C and 200 i. u. of vitamin E per day. Vitamin B can be absorbed through eating brewer? s yeast according to the recommendation on the package.
5. The tension, which accumulates in the spine, neck and head, can be relaxed and released through specific exercises and breathing techniques. (These can be learned from an experienced Yoga Instructor). These exercises are also useful for creating an overall harmony in the nervous and endocrine system, thus eliminating the problems of imbalanced hormones or tension in the nervous system.
6. Breathing techniques in conjunction with deep relaxation offer us a wonderful tool for relaxing all the muscles and nerves, and even the emotions and the mind itself. These techniques are not only useful for preventing headaches, but are also a wonderful first aid for an already existing headache.
7. Another harmonizing factor is having a routine. The body and mind function much more efficiently and peacefully when there is a certain rhythm in our way of living. Regular hours for sleep, waking, eating and washing are very calming to the nervous system and endocrine system.
8. Those who have much nervous tension would benefit from regular practice of meditation or inner concentration, which would allow them to release and / or transcend physical and mental tensions on a daily basis.
9. Simultaneously we need to understand the cause of his nervous tension and anxiety. Self-analysis our mind? s mechanisms will help us discover the ways in which we create unnecessary worry and tension for ourselves.
10. So much of our worry and nervous tension is a result of our ignorance or forgetfulness of our true spiritual nature. We lack self-confidence and faith in Divine protection and guidance. Thus the study of spiritual truths handed down to us through the various religions and spiritual philosophies can help us to see our worries and problems in a more clear and rational perspective. Wisdom brings Peace. Peace leads to love and harmony.
In conclusion we may say that headaches in most cases are the result of wrong or imbalanced living and thinking. We can change our way of living and thinking, and thus free ourselves from these unnecessary pains. Thus our headache becomes our teacher or inner guide who reminds us when we are moving away from the harmonious path or right living, acting and thinking.
Rebound headaches are caused by the very things that relieve headaches -- pain medication. So basically it becomes a choice of suffer now, or suffer later.
Rebound headaches are usually daily occurrences, beginning early in the morning. Rebound headaches can lead to other problems including anxiety, depression, irritability and sleeplessness.
Migraine medications work to raise serotonin levels to ease pain. However, when too much medication is ingested something happens to the serotonin levels, which causes the chemical to lose its effectiveness. Research has shown that serotonin levels are lower when you take too much pain medication and then they rise slightly after the headaches gets better and you stop taking the medication.
If prescription or over-the-counter drugs are taken too often or in greater amounts than recommended, this can lead to rebound headaches. In addition to sedatives and tranquilizers, other rebound-causing medications include:
1. Caffeine-containing analgesics (Anacin, Excedrin, etc.). Caffeine, a primary ingredient in many headache medicines, can relieve migraine pain temporarily. However, taking medicine containing caffeine every day - as well as drinking caffeine-loaded beverages such as coffee or soft drinks - can lead to more frequent and severe headaches. If the headache gets worse when you stop using caffeine, the caffeine may be the cause of some of your headaches.
2. Butalbital compounds (Fioricet, Fiorinal, Phrenilin, etc.); Isometheptene compounds (Duradrin, Midrin, etc.); Decongestants (Afrin, Dristan, Sudafed, Tylenol Sinus, etc.); Ergotamines (D. II. E. 45, Ergomar, Migranal, Wigraine); Triptans (Amerge, Axert, Imitrex, Maxalt, Zomig); Opioids and related drugs (Darvocet, OxyContin, Percocet, Tylenol with codeine, etc.). Medications that include any form of codeine, such as Percocet, Tylenol 3, or Vicodin, must be used with care because they can cause dependency quickly.
If you have rebound headaches due to the overuse of medications, the only way to recover is to cease taking the drugs. If it is caffeine that is causing your rebound headaches, reducing your intake may be of help. Before deciding on whether you want to stop abruptly or gradually, the following need to be considered:
1. Make sure you consult with a physician before withdrawing from headache drugs. Certain non-headache medications, such as anti-anxiety drugs or beta-blockers, require gradual withdrawal.
2. The patient (you) may need to be hospitalized if the symptoms do not respond to treatment, or if they cause severe nausea and vomiting.
3. During the first few days, alternative medications may be administered. Examples of drugs that may be used include corticosteroids, dihydroergotamine (with or without metoclopramide), NSAIDs (in mild cases) or valproate.
4. Whatever method you choose when stopping your medication, you will go through a period of worsening headache afterward. Most people will feel better within 2 weeks, however, headache symptoms can persist for as long as 4 months and in some rare cases even longer.
Good News.
Many patients experience long-term relief from all headaches afterward. The conclusion of one study showed that over 80% of patients significantly improved 4 months after withdrawal.
There are now many alternative and natural treatments to help people who suffer from headaches and migraines. In this article, I write about these type of remedies and also recommend the types of food people should avoid if they are always suffering from headaches and migraines.
There are many causes of headaches including:
It is important that we learn to deal with stress and to become more care-free. A lot of people react to stressful situations by turning to alcohol. This can only add to their problems and can lead to even more headaches.
If the person drinks to excess they may wake up with a hangover. If this happens to you I would advise you to drink plenty of water as you are likely to be dehydrated. Vitamin C is also useful to remove the alcohol quicker from your body.
If you are unable to live a stress-free life, it may be worth looking at alternative treatments. These are the types of natural therapy I would advise:
There are also certain foods and drinks which are a must to avoid for people who have regular headaches. These include:
Headaches are annoying enough, however migraines can be severely painful. I have suffered with migraines for a number of years and have now studied the subject seeking a cure. I am determined to not have to live my life, having these migraines regularly throughout the year, as the pain is unbearable. Maybe I am a bit of a wimp, but they really do cause me a lot of grief.
There are a number of reasons or causes for migraines. These include bright lights, certain foods or loud noises. I have to say that I think my own migraines are caused by stress and anxiety. I have always been a worrier and have suffered with a low self-esteem for most of my life. There are many reasons for this lack of confidence, which I will not bore you with at this stage.
I decided that I needed to deal with my stress as well as learning about how to eradicate the migraines.
I am now able to relax and have accepted that no one person is perfect. I realise that I will make mistakes and as long as I learn from them, then that is OK. Worrying does not help me in any case therefore I have to stop doing it.
I have also used alternative health therapies to help me to reduce my stress including:
I still have headaches as I have to admit that I do like to have a few beers around once a week. I have not however had a migraine for around nine months now. I am a lot happier in life and have learnt how to manage my levels of stress. I regularly meditate and use other natural remedies as mentioned above. This is what has helped me and I hope it helps you to.
If you are suffering from frequent migraines, chances are that there are certain triggers that set your migraines off. Those could be foods, drinks, smells, or certain chemicals. Once you find out what your particular migraine triggers are, you can then avoid them and reduce the amount of migraines you get.
Just about anything can trigger a migraine, there are some things that seem to frequently be the culprit.
Comment Food Migraine Triggers include alcohol, hot dogs, MSG, aspartame, chocolate, citrus fruits, caffeine, nuts, pickled or smoked fish, dairy, onions, beans and greasy food. Even your medication may be triggering your migraines. Nitroglycerine, histamine, diuretics and asthma medications are all possible migraine triggers.
Hormonal changes like those experienced during menstruation, ovulation and if you are taking hormone supplements can also trigger migraines, as can lack of sleep, skipping meals and physical exertion.
Weather changes, air pollution and smoke as well as bright or flickering light can also be the culprit.
To find out what might be triggering your migraines, keep a journal for a few weeks. Record any food or drink you consumed for any given day and also add a section to note what the weather was like, and any other environmental factors you notice throughout the day, such as spending time in a room with bright or flickering lights.
After a few weeks or months, you should see patterns emerge. Start avoiding some of the things that you tend to eat or that tend to happen right around the time you get your migraines. Obviously there are triggers such as weather changes that you cannot avoid, but you can start to pay closer attention to your body around that time and catch a migraine much earlier.
Knowing what triggers your migraine will help you avoid some of your migraine triggers and allows you to be prepared and take migraine medication earlier when a migraine starts to set in.
Headaches are quite common. Everybody gets them, albeit some are more severe than others and some can indicate something more severe. Everyone has had them - sinus and allergy headaches, migraines, etc... This article will answer the questions of what causes them and how we should treat them. Tension and allergy related headaches.
When you feel pressure in your sinus areas or if you feel pressure around the top part of your head this is what you are experiencing. They are usually a dull bothersome ache that feels like a weight hanging from that area. They also tend to slow your reactions and make you lethargic. They can last from a few hours to a few days. Allergy headaches are usually associated with sneezing, stuffy nose, and can drain from one side to the other. Treatment for these headaches is similar - acetaminophnen (ibuprofen) usually works to reduce the severity of this headache. Also, Claritin works well for alergy related symptoms.
For more severe tension headaches doctors have been known to use oxygen machines and a few injectable drugs that give a more immediate effect. Migraines. These can be quite serious and are by far the most painful. They feel like a burst blood vessel or artery as they have a pulsing feel to them. They can be so painful that they can make you sick to your stomach (nausea), cause light sensativity and even virtigo. Migraines are quite prevalent and can also indicate something more severe like a brain tumor, a weakened blood vessel, abnormal changes in blood pressure and pH, etc... Repeated patterns of migraines or other headaches should be brought to the attention of your doctor for this reason.
Your body many times will tell you when something is wrong and a abnormal or irregular headache or bodyache that has become chronic is a good indication that something may be off. It may be as simple as a hormonal imbalance, new stress, etc... Regardless, your doctor knows best and it should be brought to their attention. There are over the counter products that contain pain relievers and caffeine that may work. Doctors usually prescribe beta blockers, calcium channel blockers, and other various narcotics. Cluster or frontal headaches. These tend to be due to stress and the work environment usually.
Glare from your computer monitor, strain from wearing the wrong prescription or incorrect and outdated prescription corrective lenses. I can't stress this enough. Once a year, every year, go and get a routine eye exam. Your eyes will be healthier and you will be glad you did. These headaches tend to have a very sharp, stabbing pain. They tend to occur more often in males and are shortest in duration. Usually over the counter medicines are very helpful with these headaches. For more severe forms doctors will prescribe narcotics and similar.
These are the main types of headaches and treatments for them. Many doctors have lately found mental relaxation techniques like Yoga to be quite helpful in reducing and preventing headaches. This article is for information purposes only. For correct dignosis and medical advice you should seek the appropriately trained physician as they can best test, evaluate and recommend a course of treatment for you. If you experience irregular, sharp and severe headaches that are new, get to a doctor or hospital right away as it could be an indication of or a precursor of a stroke, aneurysm, or other medical emergency.
Certain home remedies have been found beneficial in the treatment of various types of headaches. Lemon is valuable in bilious headache. The juice of three or four slices of this fruit should be squeezed in a cup of water and drunk by the patient for treating this condition. The crust of lemon, which is generally thrown away, has been found useful in headaches caused by heat. Lemon crusts should be pounded into a fine paste in a mortar and applied as plaster on the forehead. It will give relief. Applying yellow rind of a lemon, newly pared off, to each temple will also give relief.
Apples are valuable in all types of headaches. A ripe apple, after removing the upper rind and the inner hard portion, should be taken with a little salt every morning. This should be continued for about a week.
The flowers of henna have been found valuable in headaches caused by hot sun. A plaster of the flowers should be prepared by rubbing them in vinegar and applied over the forehead. It will soon give relief. Cinnamon is useful in headaches caused by exposure to cold air. A fine paste of this spice should be prepared by mixing it with water and it should be applied over the temples and forehead to obtain relief.
Certain water applications help relieve headaches. Copious drinking of water can help as do the cleansing enema with water temperature at 98.6011 F, the hot foot bath, a cold throat pack, frequent applications of towels wrung out from very hot water to the back of the neck, a cold compress at 40 to 60 F applied to the head and face or an alternate spinal compress. Hot fomentations over the abdominal region just before retiring relieve headaches due to stomach and liver upsets.
Are you suffering from constant headaches? Headaches are a common ailment, but research has uncovered treatments that may help your problem almost disappear.
According to the National Headache Foundation (NHF) tension headaches affect nearly 78% of the adult population. 13% of the population suffers from migraines. Because the cause of migraines varies greatly, what relieves a migraine in one person may trigger an attack in another. The suggestions here are guidelines for those who suffer regularly from tension headaches which may have an identifiable physical cause.
Some headache sufferers notice a connection with eating or drinking foods with aspartame. For those who are sensitive to the chemical it may cause blood vessels to expand in the brain and trigger a headache.
Caffeine is used to treat headaches. Its proprieties can assist pain medication in providing relief and can be found in medications to treat migraines. However, too much caffeine can have a 'rebound' effect and actually cause headaches. If you suffer from regular headaches you should avoid daily use of caffeinated beverages such as coffee and certain sodas.
According to the McKinley Health Center, avoiding tobacco can also reduce headaches.
Skipping meals may cause headaches in some people, so eating regular meals may prevent headaches in these individuals.
Getting enough sleep is important for everyone. If you suffer from tension headaches you may find getting your eight hours every night reduces the amount or intensity of your headaches. On the other hand, oversleeping can bring on a headache if you don't get up at your regular time (such as on the weekend or during holidays).
Some headaches also seem to be aggravated by too much sun. Excessive exercise outdoors and lack of hydration can lead to headaches. Keep eyes shaded and be sure to drink plenty of water when outdoors.
Not surprisingly it was recently found that women wearing tight ponytails had an increased risk of tension headaches. Releasing or loosening the hair and performing a brief massage to the head can bring almost immediate relief.
What you may think is a sinus headache may actually be a migraine. A consultation with your doctor may determine if you should switch to a migraine medication.
According to the NHF, tension headaches caused by stress should respond to reducing the stress or use of over-the-counter analgesics. However, if headaches occur almost daily you need to look for ways of dealing with the stress and discuss other options with your doctor.
As with caffeine, regular daily use of over the counter medications can actually cause headaches.
If headaches occur for long periods, are unusually intense or do not respond to pain medication after several days you should seek treatment and diagnosis from a health care professional.
Leading a healthy and active lifestyle has many health benefits, including a reduction of tension-type headaches. Combining a healthy lifestyle with avoidance of triggers may help you find relief from tension-type headaches.
"Prevention is better than cure." Well said and well understood! But there are certain types of headaches, which are part and parcel of you; gifted to you by birth! Sinus headache is one of them, unfortunately.
Many say about sinus, "that which can not be cured, must be endured!' You can control it, reduce its impact. Can it be ever eradicated? The answer is in the negative, as far as the present day medical research can take you!
In sinus, invariably you have the headache, but every headache is not sinus! Sinus and nasal passage problems are the cause of headache, mostly! It is not that you have pain in the sinus area and you need to conclude that you have a sinus disorder. When the nasal passage and sinus are inflamed, it can result in a severe headache. In acute chronic sinus, the intensity of headache varies with the severity of the sinus. Sinus patients complain about many other problems. The sinus patient is more likely to experience:
If you are suffering from sinus, you must live a controlled life, and must remain highly disciplined, with regard to the diet. There are strict laws as far as do's and don'ts are concerned! Singers will have to take special care about maintaining the vocal chords of their throats! Sinus remains ever ready to sabotage their plans.
Pranaayama and Yoga asanas go a long way in controlling and curing the sinus headache! Regular light exercise must be done and tough and heavy exercises need to be avoided. The use of steam vaporizer must become the part of your life, if you detect the sinus! Develop the habit of morning walk. Do not walk too briskly or too slowly, and avoid too chilly or too hot days. Breathe moist air.
Sinus and headache are two different problems. When they club together and make a joint attack on you, your only defense is to find out the root cause of their arrival and then check them. So far, it has not been possible for the medical science and research, to defeat the sinus headache. But to erect barricades in its onward march is certainly possible!
What a variety of headaches and what a variety of treatment patterns!
Strictly speaking, any medicine that is administered for a particular disease, must cure it without giving scope for any side effects! And cure it fully, not in parts, not with ifs and buts!
How many types of medicines have been tried to treat this simple looking ailment of headache? Individual headache treatments, traditional headache treatments, alternative headache medicine, drug and non-drug therapies for headache relief! Yet, breathes there a soul who will not get attacks of headaches in one form or the other-one or two times in a year or several times?
How brain, the most intelligent part of the human system, has kept itself away from this headache? Nothing happens to the brain, even if you have a worst attack of the headache. But most of the parts around it, are desperately attacked., like head, face, mouth or neck. The pain can be mild or severe enough to disrupt your daily activities. Headache involves the network of nerve fibers, in the tissues, muscles and blood vessels, located in the head and at the base of the skull.
Inderal for headache--how does it work? Inderal does two important functions in its effort to control headache. It reduces the heart rate and lowers the blood pressure.
How this is done? It is a beta-blocker medication which blocks the action of the sympathetic nervous system. As a natural corollary, blood pressure and heart rate are checked. Rightly, therefore beta blocker drugs like Inderalk are used in the treatment of high blood pressure. Some studies have also shown that they also have a role to play in preventing the migraine attacks. Migraine is one of the severe forms if headaches!
But, certain side effect are cited. They are dizziness, changes in the mood of an individual, trouble with sleep, plus those who have asthma are likely to suffer more!
A local medicine is believed to the job of Inderal, but without any side effects. Bishop's weed (Ajwain): The seeds are useful in the treatment of migraine and delerium. They should either be smoked or sniffed frequently to obtain reliefWhat a variety of headaches and what a variety of treatment patterns!
Strictly speaking, any medicine that is administered for a particular disease, must cure it without giving scope for any side effects! And cure it fully, not in parts, not with ifs and buts!
How many types of medicines have been tried to treat this simple looking ailment of headache? Individual headache treatments, traditional headache treatments, alternative headache medicine, drug and non-drug therapies for headache relief! Yet, breathes there a soul who will not get attacks of headaches in one form or the other-one or two times in a year or several times?
How brain, the most intelligent part of the human system, has kept itself away from this headache? Nothing happens to the brain, even if you have a worst attack of the headache. But most of the parts around it, are desperately attacked., like head, face, mouth or neck. The pain can be mild or severe enough to disrupt your daily activities. Headache involves the network of nerve fibers, in the tissues, muscles and blood vessels, located in the head and at the base of the skull.
Inderal for headache--how does it work? Inderal does two important functions in its effort to control headache. It reduces the heart rate and lowers the blood pressure.
How this is done? It is a beta-blocker medication which blocks the action of the sympathetic nervous system. As a natural corollary, blood pressure and heart rate are checked. Rightly, therefore beta blocker drugs like Inderalk are used in the treatment of high blood pressure. Some studies have also shown that they also have a role to play in preventing the migraine attacks. Migraine is one of the severe forms if headaches!
But, certain side effect are cited. They are dizziness, changes in the mood of an individual, trouble with sleep, plus those who have asthma are likely to suffer more!
A local medicine is believed to the job of Inderal, but without any side effects. Bishop's weed (Ajwain): The seeds are useful in the treatment of migraine and delerium. They should either be smoked or sniffed frequently to obtain relief.
Whether headache is the cause of tension or the tension is the cause of headache? Think over... if their origin is due to the common cause?
Well, the dividing line between tension and headache is thin.
The tension headache is the unique and generous gift of high paced life style of the modern world. Most of the people caught in the grip of this civilization are out to run an endless marathon that has no end. Many of these crazy run ups end on stretchers, ambulances and ICUs in the hospital. Tension headaches are directly responsible for this sorry state of affair.
What is the source of these tensions? An individual, on a normal working day is connected to his family, his friends and his office. Any serious tension in any of these places is the direct cause of their tension headache.
The causes of tension headache may be simple or complex. Your son's poor percentage in the higher secondary examination, and his inability to get admission in any of the reputed Colleges might become a major reason for your tension headache. Well, any kind of stress or worry could be the root of your tension. This is why tension headache is the most common form of headache.
Herein, the tension type headache is not to be confused with any of the serious forms of headache. Tension headache could be due to a single factor. The moment a solution is found to the problem, it disappears.
You may not need any treatment or medicine for this type of tension headache. This headache can be compared to the sharp, passing showers. It comes and it goes. But if you experience intense pain when you have such headaches, you need to consult your doctor immediately.
How to treat the tension headache? The correct treatment is to go to the root cause of the tension and treat that cause. When that cause is satisfactorily resolved, the headache is also gone.
And last but not the least, solving your tension headache through over the counter medications is neither the correct nor the recommended solution for it. At best, this can be described as a temporary solution. The effect of headache will reappear again.
So, learn to be at peace with yourself to treat this peculiar headache. Find a solution in the activities that pleasure you. You may read some lessons on right type of living as well. For, good literature many a times solves the riddles of tension.
Headache is a mass disease. At one time or the other, you must have gone through the ordeal of it. Many a times, it is a passing feature! It doesn't require any treatment at all. It comes, takes its time, tests and bothers you to the extent it can and departs away! All that you need is to have patience and understanding then!
This much about the normal headaches! The real problem starts when it becomes chronic. The severe pain will drive out all understanding and patience within you and you feel that you must have instant relief, otherwise the head will break!
Scientists and researchers all over the world are worried about such headaches and are trying out various combinations to combat this. They have come out with several products depending upon the nature of headaches and Elavil is one of them!
Elavil, in the first instance was prescribed to treat bulimia (an eating disorder). Subsequently it was used to control chronic pain and to prevent migraine headache.
Does Elavil cure the headache directly? Perhaps it is not its direct function; it is only a responsive action! It is a member of the group of drugs called tricyclic anti-depresasants. Doctors prescribe Elavil to treat a pathological weeping and laughing syndrome associated with multiple sclerosis.
Utmost care is to be taken about taking the doses as prescribed by your physician! Go strictly by the quantum of the dose, and do not skip doses. Even if you feel like not taking the dose, due to depression or any other factors do not skip the dose. If you miss a dose for any reason, do not take two doses the next day, to make up for the shortfall. When you start the therapy, the side effect at the initial stage, may be drowsiness. Do not panic and give up the doses. This condition will disappear after a few days. Rewards are promised for the patients who have patience for 30 days. The thumb rule is that never take 2 doses at a time. It is dangerous.
The side effects of Elavil are thoroughly discouraging. The side effects reported are: constipation, blurred vision, dry mouth, rapid heart beat, and a greater danger of sustaining a nasty fall!
Owners of Elavil, be careful! One wrong decision and your headache may prove to be too costly.
The choice of food among human beings has a peculiarity. I like bitter gourd. You hate it. I like coffee, but you love to have black tea. If you consume the food you don't like, under pressure, you have headache. You eat the food according to your choice. You have no headache at all!
Many headaches are food-related. The type of food that you take, have direct body-mind relation and effects.
Take the type of headache known as Hypoglycemia. When you have low blood sugar, you have this type of headache. So, diabetic patients, take care!
If you are taking high doses of insulin you need to monitor it carefully. Since this headache is related to your blood sugar level, a glass of orange juice should bring you immediate relief.
Alternatively, any food stuff that provides simple carbohydrate to your body mechanism, will take care of both, your low blood sugar as well headache!
Another type of head ache related to food, is due to caffeine withdrawal.
Well, you have been drinking at least 6 to 7 cups of coffee/tea per day, and you have again made the New Year Resolution (just as you made resolutions, without success, during the last several years) to give up such drinks. This year's resolution is now week old, and you feel as if someone is pounding your head with the hammer. The headache is unbearable. When the going was good, your caffeine friend, gave you lots of encouragement. That's what you thought! Now when you wish to give it up for valid treasons, relating to deterioration of your health, Caffeine is showing its ill temper by giving you constant headache.
For this headache, there is no instant solution. Don't implement your resolution in one go, by breaking your coffee cup, as a sort of violent protest. Do it slowly and steadily. The chances are that you will win over the headache.
Foods such as old cheese and yeast extracts and red wine have a substance called Tyramine, which causes headache. Deficiency in the enzyme oxidase, which is known as Histamine intolerance can cause chronic headache.
Many types of allergies are responsible for various types of headaches. Food items in their pure form may not be the cause of headache. But many food items contain additives and artificial flavors. These items are the direct causes of headache.
If you consume any food item, fruits and vegetables in the most natural form, as far as possible, you have possibly solved the problem of headache once for all.